
3 unusual facts about Clark Ashton Smith

As It Is Written

Based on various evidence including handwriting and typewriter comparisons, and similarities of subject matter and style, they believed the novel to be the work of Clark Ashton Smith using Cass as a pseudonym.

Emperor of Dreams: A Clark Ashton Smith Bibliography

Emperor of Dreams: A Clark Ashton Smith Bibliography is a bibliography of Clark Ashton Smith by Donald Sidney-Fryer.

The House on the Borderland

Hodgson creates a newer more realistic/scientific cosmic horror that left a marked impression on the people who would become the great writers of the weird tales of the middle of the 20th century, most notably Clark Ashton Smith, and H. P. Lovecraft.

Bruce Pennington

Pennington's works have largely featured on the covers of novels of the likes of Isaac Asimov, Clark Ashton Smith and Robert A. Heinlein, adopting both science fiction and fantastical themes.

Ella Winter

Two years later, they settled in Carmel, California, where their friends and neighbors included photographer Edward Weston, poet Robinson Jeffers, philosopher/mythologist Joseph Campbell, dancer/choreographer Jean Erdman, nutritionist/author Adelle Davis, poet George Sterling, short story writer/poet Clark Ashton Smith, marine biologist/ecologist Ed Ricketts and novelists John Steinbeck and Henry Miller.

Our Lady of Darkness

While living in San Francisco at 607 Rhodes, he became an associate of authors Jack London, Ambrose Bierce, Dashiell Hammett and later Clark Ashton Smith, as well as poet George Sterling.

see also