Clifford Evans | Clifford Odets | Clifford Geertz | Clifford Jordan | Clifford Harper | Clifford Edmund Bosworth | Clifford Curzon | Clifford Chance | Clifford | William Kingdon Clifford | Max Clifford | Clifford the Big Red Dog | Clifford D. Simak | Baron de Clifford | Paul Clifford | Clifford Last | Clifford Grey | Clifford algebra | Baron Clifford of Chudleigh | Nathan Clifford | Natalie Clifford Barney | Darren Lockyer | Clifford torus | Clifford Sifton | Clifford Meth | Clifford J. Levy | Clifford Grant | Clifford Algebra | Clark Clifford | Sir Charles Clifford, 1st Baronet |
In 2001 Holmes was appointed a non-executive director of Clifford Lockyer's now defunct Berkeley Berry Birch (BBB) but resigned shortly thereafter citing problems to do with his residency in the Republic of Ireland.