ward | Henry Ward Beecher | Ward | Clifford Evans | Ward Bond | Rachel Ward | Ward Churchill | Hines Ward | Clifford Odets | Andre Ward | M. Ward | Julia Ward Howe | William Ward | Ward Kimball | Charlie Ward | Warwick Ward | Joseph Ward | Clifford Geertz | Ward (LDS Church) | Ward Burton | Pendleton Ward | Ninth Ward of New Orleans | Montgomery Ward | Lynd Ward | Lalla Ward | Jay Ward | Dennis Ward | David S. Ward | Clifford Jordan | Clifford Harper |
Home thoughts from Abroad is also the title of a song by Clifford T Ward, part of his 1973 album Home Thoughts.
The "Old Gold Label was subsequently set up from here and featured many original classics licensed from other labels, for example Clifford T Ward's song "Gaye", Python Lee Jackson's "In a Broken Dream", and re-releases by The Everly Brothers, The Equals, Trini Lopez and Ketty Lester.