
unusual facts about Communist Party of Spain

Anarchism and Marxism

During the Spanish Civil War of 1936–1939, although the anarchists and Marxists both fought in a united front against the fascist movement of General Francisco Franco, the revolutionary Marxists of the Workers' Party of Marxist Unification (POUM), the anarcho-syndicalists of the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT), and the anarchists of the Federación Anarquista Ibérica (FAI) faced repression and attacks from the Communist party.


Eurocommunism became a force across Europe in 1977, when Enrico Berlinguer of the Italian Communist Party (PCI), Santiago Carrillo of the Communist Party of Spain (PCE) and Georges Marchais of the French Communist Party (PCF) met in Madrid and laid out the fundamental lines of the "new way".

Juan Modesto

He was affiliated with the Communist Party of Spain (PCE) from 1930, and he was placed in charge of the Milicias Antifascistas Obreras y Campesinas (MAOC) of Madrid in 1933, which constituted a paramilitary force for the Party.

Julio Anguita

Working as a teacher, in 1972 he joined the clandestine Communist Party of Spain (PCE) and five years later he became a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Andalusia (PCA).

Party of Labour of Spain

The Catalan group unified with small splinter fractions of the Communist Party of Spain (PCE), especially from Seville.

Victorio Codovilla

Codovilla was sent to Madrid to advise the Communist Party of Spain (Partido Comunista de España or PCE) on behalf of the Comintern.

see also