Como | Lake Como | dam | Perry Como | Hoover Dam | Aswan Dam | Grand Coulee Dam | Kinzua Dam | Bonneville Dam | Province of Como | Grand Rapids Dam | embankment dam | Beaver Dam, Arizona | Merowe Dam | Cuéntame cómo pasó | Beaver Dam, Wisconsin | Three Gorges Dam | Mangla Dam | Beaver Dam | Aswan Low Dam | Akosombo Dam | Shasta Dam | Itaipu Dam | Fort Peck Dam | Fontana Dam | Dam Square | Como, Mississippi | Chickamauga Dam | Yacyretá Dam | Wilson Dam |
The establishment of the Bitter Root irrigation district and construction of the Lake Como Dam and the Big Ditch Canal, both financed by the Chicago investor W. I Moody and supervised by F. D. Nichols, enabled promoters to attract new investors (particularly college professors from the University of Chicago and intellectuals) with hopes of establishing a huge apple-growing industry in the valley.