Mr. Haglelgam began his sixteen years of service to the people of Micronesia in 1974 when he successfully ran for a seat in the House of Representatives of the Congress of Micronesia.
He attended Willamette University School of Law in Salem, Oregon for one year and returned home to run for a seat in the Congress of Micronesia House of Representatives to represent the Outer Islands of Yap.
Nakamura began his political career at the age of 28, becoming the youngest person to be elected to the Congress of Micronesia.
Forty-eight candidates ran for the 33 places on the Convention, where they were joined by the Marshall Islands delegates to the Congress of Micronesia, members of the Marshallese legislature and traditional leaders of the islands.
His work focused on developing education, tranpsortation, and a new central legislative body, the Congress of Micronesia.
In 1972, Micronesian Representative Ataji Balos charged at the Congress of Micronesia that the exposure during Bravo was purposeful so that the AEC could develop medical capabilities for treating those exposed to fallout during nuclear war, and charged that the Marshallese were chosen because of their marginal status in the world at large.
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Killion is from Chuuk State and was selected to Congress of Micronesia in 1987.