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A conservative Democrat, he is best remembered for his support of public education and the Good Roads Movement during his term as Governor.
He became an integral part of the GOP legal counsel active in the Lily White faction, which sought to recruit white Conservative Democrats into the Republican Party, then previously the domain of the relatively few African-American voters registered in the state.
The National Journal named Bright the most conservative Democrat during the first session of the 111th United States Congress.
For many years Columbia County was represented in the State House by a conservative Democrat in the 109th district until John Gordner changed parties to Republican in 2001.
In the 2004 New Hampshire Democratic primary, the paper endorsed Joe Lieberman, generally considered a more conservative Democrat.
He ran for Governor of Maryland in 1966 as an Independent after the Democratic Party nominated conservative Democrat and segregationist George P. Mahoney as its candidate.
Jarjura, long considered a conservative Democrat, shed that party label and joined the Republican party in 2011.
In 2012, Spearman challenged two-term incumbent senator John Lee, a conservative Democrat who had attracted the ire of several traditional Democratic constituencies, including environmental groups and gay rights activists.