War of 1812 | United States Constitution | First Amendment to the United States Constitution | Constitution | constitution | Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution | Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution | USS Constitution | Second Amendment to the United States Constitution | Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution | Constitution of Canada | 1812 Overture | USS ''Constitution'' | Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution | Constitution of Indonesia | Constitution of Australia | Constitution Avenue | The Atlanta Journal-Constitution | Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution | Constitution of France | Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution | Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution | Constitution of Malaysia | Constitution of Iraq | Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution | Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution | Constitution of Turkey | Constitution of Syria | Constitution of South Africa | Constitution of Norway |
On 12 August 1836 at La Granja, some of the Liberal leaders compelled Queen Christina to sign a decree restoring the Constitution of 1812.