Santo Domingo | University of Santo Tomas | Espírito Santo | convent | Santo Antão | Santo Tomás District | Santo Antão, Cape Verde | Santo Tomás District, Chumbivilcas | Espiritu Santo | Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo | Santo Cilauro | Santo Ângelo | Convent | Rector Magnificus of the University of Santo Tomas | Convent Station, New Jersey | Santo Tomás District, Luya | Santo Biasatti | Franco Di Santo | Eugene Domingo | Espirito Santo | Domingo Faustino Sarmiento | Vitória de Santo Antão | University of Santo Tomas College of Education | Santo Trafficante, Jr. | Santo Tomás | Santo Stefano Ticino | Santo & Johnny | Santo Domingo (Ecuador) | Santo Antônio do Aventureiro | Santo André |
In all, he funded the restoration of fifteen churches including the 16th century Convent of Santo Domingo and a 17th-century church in the town of Santa Ana Zegache, as well creating cultural spaces throughout Oaxaca's central valleys.