
unusual facts about Cosmic Rays

Praful Bhavsar

Bhavsar was born on August 17, 1926 and received his Doctorate in Physics from Gujarat University in 1958 for his research in Cosmic Rays at the Physical Research Laboratory.

Ring-imaging Cherenkov detector

The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer device AMS-02, recently mounted on the International Space Station uses a RICH detector in combination with other devices to analyze cosmic rays.

Robert Karplus

Karplus continued his work at the highest level in theoretical physics for more than 10 years, at Harvard from 1950 to 1954 and then at the University of California, Berkeley, publishing 50 research papers, mostly in QED but also in other areas of physics, including the Hall effect, Van Allen radiation, and cosmic rays.

see also

American Maid

She has also been revealed to be an operative (at least part-time) for the US government and had the former alias of Jeanine Smith during a mission with the Tick and Arthur to rescue Yank, a monkey made temporarily smart by cosmic rays, and subsequently kidnapped by the evil ruler Pineapple Pokopo.

Background radiation

Astronauts in low orbits, such as in the International Space Station or the Space Shuttle, are partially shielded by the magnetic field of the Earth, but also suffer from the Van Allen radiation belt which accumulates cosmic rays and results from the earths magnetic field.

Giuseppe Occhialini

In 1932, he collaborated in the discovery of the positron in cosmic rays at the Cavendish Laboratory of Cambridge, under the leadership of Patrick Blackett, using cloud chambers.

Gregory M. Garibian

Even at a very young age he followed news in the world of physics and was very excited when in 1942 he learned about the Alikhanian brothers’ expedition to Mount Aragats (Armenia) in order to search for protons in cosmic rays.

John Linsley

Linsley was actively involved in this project, which evolved into AirWatch-OWL, and in the Extreme Universe Space Observatory, another project to create a space-based observatory for the investigation of cosmic rays.

Lorentz invariance in loop quantum gravity

Giovanni Amelino-Camelia then proposed that the mystery of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays might be solved by assuming such violations of the special-relativity dispersion relation for photons.

Ranjan Roy Daniel

T He carried out research in the H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, headed by the Nobel laureate C. F. Powell, using nuclear emulsions exposed to cosmic rays at high altitudes.

Werner Kolhörster

In 1930, Kolhörster started the first institute for the study of cosmic rays in Potsdam, with financial assistance from the Prussian Academy.