
3 unusual facts about Coya

Clorinda Matto de Turner

Growing up in Cuzco, the former Inca capital, Matto spent most of her days on her family’s estate, Paullo Chico, which is near the village of Coya.


In the top there existed a double armchair worked in stone, which according to the local tradition was covered with golden sheets and was the place where there were sitting down the Inca and the Coya (his wife) to give justice and to preside at the ceremonies and rituals that were developing in the square.In the peripheral Ushnu mas, his structure was enough a precarious mas, but it was arranged under archeoastronómics rules .


They were originally individuals in the Incan Empire who left the ayllu system and worked full-time at a variety of tasks for the Inca, the Coya (Inca queen), or the religious establishment.


Coya |

SS Coya

In 1975 the Peruvian Corporation was nationalised and Coyas ownership passed to the state railway company ENAFER.

see also