The film follows the story of three Brazilian actresses who decide to try their luck in Bollywood, India's film industry, but once entered into the heart of Indian culture and mythology, their dreams are modified by the contrast between East and West.
Psoralea corylifolia (Babchi) is an important plant in the Indian Ayurveda and Tamil Siddha systems of medicine, and also Chinese medicine.
India | Cinema of India | Supreme Court of India | British India | Government of India | South India | East India Company | All India Radio | Punjab (India) | culture | Dutch East India Company | Prime Minister of India | Communist Party of India | Punjab, India | Languages of India | President of India | North India | Femina Miss India | Portuguese India | National Defence College, India | Parliament of India | Culture | popular culture | Partition of India | Order of the Star of India | India Today | Church of South India | Culture of Japan | The Times of India | Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development |
Jai Durga Mitra Mandal is a social & cultural group formed to preserve the culture of India and spread Bhakti (Devotion), by celebrating Indian festivals publicly like Ganesh Utsav & Navratri Utsav.
Solitary confinement had been abolished in England and Gour claimed that it would be in keeping with the civilized culture of India to wipe out this kind of punishmentâan inhumane mark ironically left by the British colonialists themselves in the Penal Code.