
unusual facts about Curing


Ablation of atrial fibrillation

In 1987, Dr. James Cox introduced an open-heart surgical procedure which has been subsequently established as capable of curing Atrial Fibrillation.

Bering Island

Another of the expedition's survivors was Georg Wilhelm Steller, who eventually managed to convince his companions to eat seaweed (thus curing their scurvy).


Pickling cucumbers and salt-curing of meat are two practical applications of crenation.


This process is often called sulfur curing, and the term vulcanization comes from Vulcan, the Roman god of fire.

George J. F. Clarke

He wrote a long article on the growing and curing of tobacco for cigar-making and discussed how the bulbous roots of "comtee" (coontie), which grows wild in Florida and Georgia, could be used to make a starchy flour called Florida arrowroot, thus anticipating a future commercial enterprise in Florida.

Gladstone Institutes

Virology and immunology research at Gladstone is focused primarily on three urgent challenges related to the HIV/AIDS epidemic: preventing viral transmission of HIV with drugs or a vaccine for those at risk of coming in contact with the virus, curing the millions of people who already live with HIV and restoring a normal lifespan to those who are HIV-positive—but who are dying earlier than their uninfected counterparts from diseases of aging.

Hereditary Disease Foundation

In 1968, after experiencing Huntington's disease (HD) in his wife's family, Dr. Milton Wexler was inspired to start the Hereditary Disease Foundation, with the aim of curing genetic illnesses by coordinating and supporting research.

Jonathan Wathen-Waller

The establishment of this institution preceded by several months the 1805 founding by John Cunningham Saunders of the much better known London Dispensary for curing Diseases of the Eye and Ear on Charterhouse Square, which later became the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorfields Eye Hospital).

Journey Through the Impossible

His mother Madame de Traventhal, in the hope of curing him of his obsession, sends for a physician newly arrived in the country, a certain Doctor Ox.


In the fantasy novel Faith of the Fallen, Terry Goodkind includes lardo, as well as a nearly complete description of its curing and preparation in the Colonnata style.

Photonic curing

Photonic curing is similar to Pulse Thermal Processing, developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, in which a plasma arc lamp is used.

Rosana Tositrakul

Following university at Thammasat University she formed the NGO "Traditional Medicine for Self-Curing", later renamed

Senegalia caffra

In common with other Acacias and Senegalias, the bark and leaves are rich in tannins, while parts of the tree are used by the Bantu in traditional herbal medicine for curing a large range of complaints.


Most commonly, Walkathons focus on fighting or curing pervasive diseases or ailments such as AIDS, Cancer, Diabetes, Lupus, and Arthritis, and participation is also often promoted as a symbol of empowerment, remembrance, or awareness of sufferers and their relations.

see also