
unusual facts about Cynicism


Anne-Thérèse de Marguenat de Courcelles

During the Régence, when the court of the Duchesse du Maine, at the Château de Sceaux, was amusing itself with frivolities, and when that of the Duc d’Orléans, at the Palais-Royal, was devoting itself to debauchery, the salon of the Marquise de Lambert passed for the temple of propriety and good taste, in a reaction against the cynicism and vulgarity of the time.

Brewer's Rogues, Villains and Eccentrics

Some entries, such as that on George Best, reflect a certain cynicism about media-created rogues.


Occupational burnout, characterized by exhaustion, cynicism, and reduced professional efficacy within the workplace

Dissident Gardens

After the killings of Miriam and Tommy in Nicaragua in 1979, Rose discovers All in the Family, and falls in love with Archie Bunker, and projects herself into various scenes with Archie, symptomatic of her growing cynicism regarding politics.

Dominique de Roux

Upon his return, he founded with several friends (including his brother Xavier de Roux, his sister Marie-Helene de Roux and Jean Thibaudeau) the mimeographed bulletin L'Herne, where he published his "Confidences to Guillaume", a chronic of lyrical cynicism addressed to his geranium.

Francis Carruthers Gould

Frequently grafting his ideas onto subjects taken freely from Uncle Remus, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and the works of Dickens and Shakespeare, Gould used these literary vehicles with extraordinary dexterity and point, but with a satire that was not unkind and with a vigour from which bitterness, virulence and cynicism were notably absent.

Frederic Austin

Neville Cardus, who saw him in the role beside Agnes Nicholls and Frederick Ranalow, wrote: "Nobody else has passed across the closing scene of the opera with half of Austin's grace of bearing and suggestion of courtly cynicism".

Italian classical music

Yet, it was inevitable that Italian composers would respond to the fading values of Romanticism and the cynicism provoked in many European artistic quarters by such things as World War I and such cultural/scientific phenomena as psychoanalysis in which—at least according to Robert Louis Stevenson—"all men have secret thoughts that would shame hell."

National Conversation

The expression was met with less enthusiasm in Quebec and arose cynicism in the press and objection with some party hardliners.

The High Window

One of the themes of Chandler's novels that differentiate Phillip Marlowe from his hardboiled colleagues is that in spite of his cynicism, Marlowe exhibits the idealism of a Romantic hero.

see also