Dave Brubeck | ward | Dave Stewart | Dave Grusin | Henry Ward Beecher | Dave Matthews | Dave Liebman | Dave Weckl | Dave Grohl | Dave Van Ronk | Dave Ramsey | Dave Chappelle | Ward | Ward Bond | The Dave Ramsey Show | Rachel Ward | Dave Eggers | Ward Churchill | Sam & Dave | Dave Mirra | Dave McKean | Dave Graney | Dave Coulier | Hines Ward | Dave Koz | Dave Cousins | Dave Barry | Andre Ward | M. Ward | Julia Ward Howe |
Robertson has outlasted Kirck, the late Walter Cronkite, Dan Rather, Bob Schieffer, Tom Brokaw, and the late Peter Jennings to become the longest-serving network news anchor in television history; he is also one of the longest-serving news anchors on English-language North American television (network or local) along with KTRK-TV (Houston)'s Dave Ward, WNBC (New York)'s Chuck Scarborough and KING-TV (Seattle)'s Jean Enersen.