The book started life as series of articles written by David Bishop and serialised in the Judge Dredd Megazine, forming the most comprehensive history of the comic 2000 AD yet written.
Thrill Power Overload, or TPO is a book about the history of the British comic 2000 AD written by David Bishop, one of its editors.
David Bowie | Bishop | bishop | David Lynch | David | Late Show with David Letterman | David Cameron | David Beckham | David Lloyd George | David Hume | David Hockney | Bishop (Catholic Church) | David Letterman | David Byrne | David J. Eicher | David Mamet | David Foster | Bishop of Winchester | Bishop of London | Late Night with David Letterman | David Ben-Gurion | Jacques-Louis David | titular bishop | David Guetta | David Carradine | Henry David Thoreau | Bishop of Durham | David Tennant | David Niven | David Essex |
Incorporating auto-mapping, icons, help functions and separate, resizable windows for graphics and text, Wonderland, written by David Bishop and based on the works of Lewis Carroll, was a deliberate attempt to push the text adventure in a new, hi-tech direction.