In 1984, she received a Mayoral Citation from New York City Mayor Ed Koch for designing the New York City Olympic Ticker Tape Parade and a Mayoral Citation from New York City Mayor David Dinkins in the early 1990s for her work as Shaman in the Streets.
His interest in civil service began when he lived in New York and followed Mayor David Dinkins.
During his four month term of office, Rakowski worked with New York City Mayor David Dinkins and New Jersey Attorney General Robert J. Del Tufo to address a problem where trucks full of garbage were being driven from New York City to Jersey City, New Jersey and their full trailers abandoned.
During David Dinkins' term as New York City mayor, Dr. Brown served as New York City deputy mayor for public and community affairs (1993–94).
Eggleston had previously served as Administrator of Child Welfare under Mayor Ed Koch, as Director of New York City's Family Shelter programs under Mayor David Dinkins, and served as the Executive Director of the Hetrick-Martin Institute.
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He is often considered the godfather of the urban gardening movement, and his "Garden of Eden" was a well-known garden on the Lower East Side of Manhattan until it was demolished by then mayor Rudolph Giuliani, after considerable controversy extending from the Koch Administration through the Dinkins Administration.
Previously, Wright was a member of the New York City Housing Authority Board, appointed by mayor David Dinkins, who also named her to the City Planning Commission.