
3 unusual facts about David Morrell

Emerson Combat Systems

New York Times bestselling author David Morrell underwent training in Emerson Combat Systems as research for several of his books about Special Operations and close quarters combat.

Gayle Lynds

In 2004, she co-founded and was elected co-president (with David Morrell) of International Thriller Writers, Inc.

Michael MacConnell

An avid reader of crime and thriller fiction since he was a child, some of his greatest writing influences were David Morrell, Raymond E. Feist, Alex Kava, Daniel Silva, Dean Koontz, Lee Child, Michael Cordy, and Steven Pressfield.

Syndicate Sadists

The film predates Ted Kotcheff's First Blood, the film which introduced audiences to the John Rambo of David Morrell by seven years.

see also