During his speech he made a famous put-down of Liberal leader David Steel, describing him as having "passed from rising hope to elder statesman without any intervening period whatsoever".
The phone cost around £2500 when first launched and some owners were Terence Trent Darby, David Steel, Joan Collins and Jonathon Morris from the popular Liverpool-based TV show Bread.
Ian McIntyre spent much of the 1960s working at Conservative Central Office in Scotland, and stood unsuccessfully as a Member of Parliament against David Steel.
She joined the Abortion Law Reform Association, becoming press officer and editor of the newsletter, and worked on what would become the 1967 Abortion Act with Liberal MP David Steel.
The book received significant endorsements from Danny Smith (Jubilee), Lord David Steel and Baroness Cox.
The debate in the House of Parliament to mark the publication of the Scarman report on the 26 November 1981 had as its theme "law and order" and the then leader of the Liberal Party, David Steel, argued that "urgent action" to prevent a drift into lawlessness was necessary.
1978 A further extension described as a 'luxurious' lounge costing £20,000 was opened by the then leader of the Liberal Party David Steel.
Several politicians and journalists made cameo appearances, including Tony Blair, Gavin Esler, Roy Hattersley, John Humphrys, Nick Robinson, David Steel, Andrew Marr, Simon McCoy, Sarah Montague, Peter Snow and Kirsty Wark.
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