
3 unusual facts about David Syme Russell

Daniel in the lions' den

David Syme Russell notes a number of parallels between the two chapters, including the trials suffered, the jealousy of conspirators, rescue by an angel, accusers meeting the same fate they had intended for the protagonists, and the fact that the king praises God and issues a royal decree protecting Jewish worship.

David Syme Russell

Russell’s first charge was as pastor at the Castlegate church, Berwick, and between 1945 and 1951 he was minister in Acton, London, where in his final year there he conducted the funeral of the Foreign Secretary, Ernest Bevin, preaching to a congregation including the cabinet of the Attlee government.

Becoming active in the European Baptist Federation and the Human Rights Programme of the Conference of European Churches, Russell was to advocate human rights in meetings with communist authorities and managed to secure funding for a translation into Russian of William Barclay's New Testament commentaries.

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