The broken heart syndrome also led financial analyst David X. Li to develop the Gaussian copula models for the pricing of collateralized debt obligations where at times seemingly unrelated entities become subject to sympathetic financial defaults based on common (but at times not obvious) links.
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In a June 2011 interview with Assignment X, series creator David X. Cohen first revealed that Aldrin would guest star in the episode.
In his book "The Genealogy of Chess" (which won the 'Book of the Year' 1998 award from the editors of GAMES Magazine), Li surveys evidence regarding the origins of chess and concludes that an early version of chess called xiangqi was invented in China in 203 BC, by General Han Xin, who supposedly drew on the earlier game liubo as well as on the teachings of The Art of War.
The diplomatic relationship between Beijing and Taipei was dramatically softened during the 1980s.
Li was an important person involved in the peace dialogue between Beijing and Taipei during the 1970s and 1980s.