
unusual facts about Death camp

Henio Zytomirski

The purpose of this educational project is to demonstrate the fate of the children who were imprisoned in Death camp.

see also

Bernard Krigstein

The protagonist is a former Nazi death camp commandant named Reissman who had managed to elude justice until he is spotted ten years later riding a New York subway.

Ludwig Stiegler

In July 2005 he said that the only thing that came to his mind in relation to the CDU/CSU's slogan during the election campaign Sozial ist, was Arbeit schafft! ("Social is that which creates work") was the line at the door to Nazi Germany's death camp Auschwitz-Birkenau: "Arbeit macht frei" ("Work makes free").

Pietro Cascella

He created monumental sculptures for locations as varied as the Auschwitz death camp and Silvio Berlusconi's underground mausoleum in his villa at Arcore.

Thanks to My Mother

Each pass allowed the holder to add a spouse and two children, who were then exempt from periodic actions, which as the Indurski’s correctly surmised, were deportations for execution at Ponary or to the death camp of Majdanek.

The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank

However, Anne, Margot and Mrs van Daan were sent to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, which was not a death camp, and Otto has high hopes for them.


The ghetto was liquidated by the Slovak Nazis known as the Hlinka Guard and the German SS; most of the Jewish people were deported to the death camp at Auschwitz.