
unusual facts about Death of Kings


Bernard Cornwell has the main character of the Saxon stories visit Wroxeter in Death of Kings, referring to it as an ancient Roman city that was "as big as London" and using it as an illustration of his pagan beliefs that the World will end in chaos.


In literature, Bebbanburg is the home of Uhtred, the main character in Bernard Cornwell's The Saxon Stories, starting with The Last Kingdom, and the sequels The Pale Horseman, The Lords of the North, Sword Song, The Burning Land, Death of Kings and The Pagan Lord.

see also

Eugène Green

Declamation of Jean de La Fontaine, Le chêne et le roseau ; Torquato Tasso, La mort de Clorinda (La Gerusalemme liberata); Théophile de Viau, La Mort de Pyrame ; William Shakespeare, The Death of Kings (Richard II), To be or not to be (Hamlet); Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet, Qu'est-ce que notre être (excerpt from Sermon sur la mort); Jean Racine, Je ne croiray point?