
unusual facts about Deceived


Athena Force

# Deceived by Carla Cassidy
(January 2005, Silhouette Bombshell, ISBN 0-373-51340-2)

Ernest Hilgard

The Stoic philosopher Epictetus wrote: God has placed at every man’s side a guardian, the Daemon of each man, who is charged to watch over him; a Daemon that cannot sleep, nor be deceived.

Gilbert Deya

In November 2004 the High Court in the UK ruled that a 'miracle baby' in London was the victim of child trafficking, and that the supposed miracle displayed was a ruse in order to generate funds from a "deceived congregation".

Hukou Incident

He was reported as saying "Our leader is being deceived by treacherous people, we must move our forces to Taipei to remove them." ("當今主上為小人所蒙敝,我們要把部隊開到台北勤王清君側") He was promptly arrested by two political warfare officers, but the army nonetheless received erroneous information that the 1st Armor Division was on the move, and had deployed troops to intercept the "rebels forces" that did not exist.

James Boaden

In 1796 Boaden addressed to George Steevens, the Shakespearean commentator, ‘A Letter containing a Critical Examination of the Papers of Shakespeare published by Mr. Samuel Ireland.’ He stated in this letter his grounds for believing the papers held by Samuel Ireland to be spurious; but said that he, like so many others, had been at first deceived.

Jan van Calcar

By some writers he has been declared to have been a close imitator of Giorgione; all who write about him unite in stating that his imitations of the works of the great Venetian artists, and also of Raphael, were so extraordinary that they deceived many critics of the day.

Mel White

He is also an author; among his 16 books (nine bestsellers), he wrote about the Philippines' Ninoy and Corazon Aquino (Aquino), the Jonestown tragedy (Deceived), David Rothenber (a child burned by his father) (David), Lust the Other Side of Love, and talk-show host/producer Mike Douglas (When the Going Gets Tough).

Michael Papas

Papas’s 1975 English film The Lifetaker stars Terence Morgan as a deceived husband who engages his wife (Lea Dregorn) and her young lover (Peter Duncan) in a series of deadly games.

Mohammad Khan Qaraei-Torbati

Under the guise of using Zaveh as a staging ground for his army's invasion of Herat, Abbas moved the royal forces into the Qaraei district where he deceived Mohammad into a meeting that resulted in his capture.

Moranak Meada

But the stepmother knew and started a plan to killed the poor Catfish by used her daughter who had a face like Moranak Meada to deceived Catfish into the trap and killed it to make food.

Muhammad Naeem Noor Khan

According to the BBC Shahid said "Nur Khan deceived all the fundamentalists in prison and informed on fundamentalist cells around the world.".

Paul v. Clinton

The plaintiff, Peter F. Paul, alleged that President Bill Clinton and his wife, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, deceived him into paying for the Gala Hollywood Farewell Salute to President Clinton, during Hillary Clinton's first Senate race in 2000, by making a promise that the President would work for Paul's company, Stan Lee Media, after his Presidential term was over.

Poly Play

The machine's coin slot was designed for 50 Pfennig, but it was flawed - the pressure sensor could be deceived by pressing a 1-Pfennig coin very sharply into the top of the slot.


In a clash that had career consequences, Wiley told President Theodore Roosevelt that "Everyone who ate that sweet corn was deceived. He thought he was eating sugar, when in point of fact he was eating a coal tar product totally devoid of food value and extremely injurious to health."

Shannon's Way

Robert trains to be a doctor at the fictional Levenford Infirmary (Levenford is loosely based on Dumbarton), and falls in love with Jean Law, a young medical student belonging to the Plymouth Brethren who rejects him when she discovers that he has deceived her about his history and religion (he is a Roman Catholic).

Sir Gowther

She has been deceived in much the same way that the Duchess of Tintagel is deceived when King Uther Pendragon, cast into the likeness of her husband by Merlin, father’s King Arthur upon her in the Vulgate Merlin.

Venetian Nights

When she discovers he has deceived her she returns to Berlin on the express and he pursues her to try and declare his love.

Without Consent

Without Consent (a.k.a. Trapped and Deceived) is a 1994 television film directed by Robert Iscove.

see also