
unusual facts about Democratic Revolutionary Party

Carlos Duque

Carlos Duque is a Panamanian politician best known for being the presidential candidate of the Democratic Revolutionary Party in the annulled 1989 presidential election.

D.M.G. Grupo Holding S.A.

In March 2009, Murcia made declarations through an interview made by a journalist from La Prensa (Panamanian newspaper of most circulation) about his "investments" (donations) to Democratic Revolutionary Party candidates Balbina Herrera and Roberto Velasquez (candidates for president and mayor of Panama, respectively) for their campaigns.

I. Roberto Eisenmann Jr.

In the 1994 presidential election, the paper opposed Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) candidate Ernesto Pérez Balladares—the election's eventual winner—stating in editorials that he was a threat to the country's post-dictatorship democracy.

see also