Detective Story Magazine, a magazine of detective fiction that ran from 1915 to 1949
Billboard (magazine) | Time (magazine) | Vogue (magazine) | magazine | short story | West Side Story | Esquire (magazine) | Harper's Magazine | Life (magazine) | Toy Story | National Geographic (magazine) | Mojo (magazine) | Fortune (magazine) | detective | West Side Story (musical) | Variety (magazine) | Slate (magazine) | People (magazine) | New York (magazine) | Magazine | Ace Ventura: Pet Detective | Stern (magazine) | Punch (magazine) | Elle (magazine) | PC Magazine | Detective fiction | Toy Story 2 | Joseph Story | Detective Comics | The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction |
Between 1930 and 1940, his stories were published in Amazing Stories, Argosy All-Story Weekly, Black Mask, Collier's, Detective Fiction Weekly, Detective Tales, Double Detective, The Illustrated Detective Magazine, Mystery, The Phantom Detective, The Shadow, Startling Stories, Street & Smith Mystery Reader, Street & Smith's Detective Story Magazine, Thrilling Detective, Unknown Worlds and Wonder Stories.