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The music files within Age of Wonders are in Impulse Tracker (.IT) format and were composed by Michiel van den Bos, who has also composed for other notable titles such as Deus Ex and the Unreal series of games.
The soundtrack is being composed by Michiel van den Bos, a Dutch musician and disc jockey whose work includes Unreal, Age of Wonders, Unreal Tournament, Deus Ex, and the Overlord series.
The computer game Deus Ex, set in the mid-21st century, features a reference to an earthquake destroying Los Angeles in 2030 and creating Arizona Bay.
Second reviewer Dan Hsu said, "This is a truly great, immersive experience only hampered by poor enemy A.I," and third reviewer Bryan Intihar concluded: "If you can look past its technical hiccups, Invisible War shouldn't disappoint".
Alternatively, he also claims in a radio interview to be avenging the persecution of the original Knights Templars by Philip the Fair.
At the showdown on Liberty Island, Tong brings a small detachment of robots to aid JC against the Templar and Illuminati armies.
In the game's finale at Liberty Island, Saman is the only leader who actively pursues and attempts to kill Alex if the player ends up opposing his faction.
As described within Invisible War, The Order was formed by its current leader, a secretive personality known only to the church's members as "Her Holiness", after the Collapse brought on by JC Denton at the end of the first Deus Ex.
The WTO is one of the most prominent organizations working to rebuild civilization following the Great Collapse brought on by the actions of JC Denton at the end of the first Deus Ex.
Just before leaving the case, Thompson filed a motion with the court, quoting noted designer Warren Spector (Deus Ex, Thief) as being critical of Rockstar's actions, taken from a speech Spector gave at the Montreal International Game Summit.
The computer game Deus Ex features Wan Chai Market as the main district in the Hong Kong chapters of the game.
It was also found that changes to screen resolution handling on 8.1 resulted in mouse input lag in certain video games that do not use the DirectInput API's—particularly first-person shooter games, including Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Hitman: Absolution, and Metro 2033.