
unusual facts about Dhahar, Sanaag


Badhan, Sanaag, a city and district in the Sanaag region, a territory in north Eastern Somalia


The biggest cities in the area claimed by Maakhir Authority were Badhan, Las Khorey, Dhahar, Buraan, Elaayo, Galgala, Hingalol, Damalla-Hagare, Baragaha qol and Erigavo.

Maakhir State proclaimed autonomy at a 1 July 2007 ceremony in Badhan in response to overlapping claims of both Somaliland and Puntland over the western Sanaag and western Bari, both of which have led to several gun battles over control of the territory between Somaliland and Puntland.

Warsangali Sultanate

Thus, it appears that Sufism and saint veneration, the mystical movement and ecstasy in Islam, was embraced amongst the Warsangali clans of Sanaag and spread to other areas of Somalia.

see also