Some researchers, including Diane McGuinness, have raised questions about the efficacy and cost of the program, while also pointing out that Reading Recovery incorporates some ideas and techniques associated with the Whole language approach to reading instruction.
Widely-known whole language detractors include Louisa Cook Moats, G. Reid Lyon, James Kauffman, Phillip Gough, Keith Stanovich, Diane McGuinness, Douglas Carnine, Edward Kame'enui, Jerry Silbert, Lynn Melby Gordon, Rudolf Flesch, and Jeanne Chall.
Diane Keaton | Diane Warren | Diane Arbus | Martin McGuinness | Paschal McGuinness | Frank McGuinness | Diane von Fürstenberg | Diane Sawyer | Diane Fanning | Diane Duane | Diane Paulus | Diane Martel | Diane Lane | Diane Dufresne | Diane Baker | The Diane Rehm Show | Diane Watson | Diane von Furstenberg | Diane (film) | Diane di Prima | Diane Abbott | Diane | Diane Roberts | Diane Gilman | Diane de Poitiers | Diane Brewster | Diane Bish | Diane Birch | Leo and Diane Dillon | Jim McGuinness |