President | President of the United States | Vice President of the United States | president | Vice President | President of the Philippines | Die Zeit | President of France | Die Welt | Die Fledermaus | President of India | Lord President of the Council | President of Germany | President of Pakistan | President of the European Parliament | President of Mexico | President of Ireland | Funny or Die | Die Hard | President of Argentina | Die Walküre | President of Poland | President of Chile | Lord President of the Court of Session | Die Entführung aus dem Serail | Die Flippers | Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg | President of Georgia | President of Brazil | President of the Senate |
(The first for best Alternative Artist for his album Pleister vir my Nerwe. The second for best male vocalist for his album Aan't sterre tel.) And a Vonk Music award for his album Die President se keuse.