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John Pollard completed his PhD at the University of Reading with Doctoral thesis on fascism - 'From the Conciliazione to the Riconciliazione: The Church and the Fascist Regime in Italy, 1929 to 1932'.
--at ???--> Optimum Coding in the Frequency domain (OCF) the doctoral thesis by Karlheinz Brandenburg at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Perceptual Transform Coding (PXFM) by J. D. Johnston at AT&T Bell Labs, and Transform coding of audio signals by Y. Mahieux and J. Petit at Institut für Rundfunktechnik (IRT/CNET).
He studied at the École normale supérieure where he wrote a doctoral thesis entitled Théorie de l'invention published in 1881.
Andreas enjoyed a stellar career as a student in Basel, Freiburg im Breisgau, and Berlin, completing his studies in 1887 in Freiburg with the doctoral thesis "Beitrag zum Consonantismus der Mundart von Baselstadt".
His observations of clouds formed the basis of his doctoral thesis On the Observation of Clouds, the Daily and Annual Cloud Period in Bakar presented to the University of Zagreb and which earned him his degree as doctor of philosophy in 1893.
R.Ponnu's, Sri Vaikunda Swamigal and Struggle for Social Equality in South India, (Doctoral thesis in University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.) 2000.
His doctoral thesis on the Tuamotus island chain, submitted to Uppsala University in 1955, was published the following year as Work and Life on Raroia.
This became a topic of his Master's thesis titled "On the expansion of transcendental function in partial fractions. After publishing his thesis Bukreev went abroad and took lectures of Karl Weierstrass, Lazarus Fuchs, and Leopold Kronecker in Berlin. Bukreev undertook research on Fuchsian functions under Fuchs' guidance, which he completed in 1888 and which became the basis of his doctoral thesis "On the Fuchsian functions of rank zero" defended in 1889.
The Melusinian Motiv in German mediaeval Literature (doctoral thesis, 1980)
The recollection, representing the masterwork of Elias Avery Lowe during his activity at Princeton University, had its roots in Lowe's doctoral thesis about the oldest calendars from Monte Cassino (1908) under the direction of Ludwig Traube.
They were introduced by Valeria de Paiva, Martin Hyland's student, in her doctoral thesis, as a way of modeling both linear logic and Gödel's dialectica interpretation—hence the name.
1800 (based in part on his doctoral thesis, 1936), sections written for The American Historical Association's Guide to Historical Literature (1961), the coauthoring of Volume 4 of the UNESCO History of Mankind: Cultural and Scientific Development.
The members of the doctoral committee of the University of Chicago Manning Nash, Lloyd Fallers and her mentors Pitt-Rivers and McQuown, recognized Hermitte's talent and she received as a reward the Roy D. Albert Prize for her master thesis and the Bobbs Merryl Award for her doctoral thesis.
Encouraged by John M. Macfarlane, the head of the botany department, Pennell wrote his doctoral thesis on the Scrophulariaceae (as then circumscribed), a group on which he was to become a world authority.
His doctoral thesis was directed by Karl Dietrich Bracher and examined US-foreign policy "between idealism and realism".
He went on to earn a PhD in musicology from Boston University in 1960 after writing a doctoral thesis entitled The masses of Claudin de Sermisy.
His doctoral thesis was presented at the Reims scientific congress and then published with the title "On a class of surfaces representable point by point on a plane" in the
She completed a doctoral thesis in Integral Yoga Philosophy & Indian spiritual psychology from Cardiff University in 2003.
In 2000 Hamza Abu Faris received his Ph.D in Islamic Sciences, with an emphasis in comparative Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) from the University of Zaytuna in Tunisia; his doctoral thesis was entitled “Judge Abdul Wahab al-Baghdadi and his approach to Exegesis of the Prophetic Message.”
From 1926 he studied forensic science with Edmond Locard, and graduated from the University of Lyon in 1928 with a doctoral thesis on the identification of gun bullets.
Two years before its publication, and on the advice of the French historian, Pierre Vilar, the manuscript had been successfully presented by Southworth as his doctoral thesis at the Sorbonne.
Ulrich Libbrecht (at the time teaching in school, but subsequently a professor of comparative philosophy) gave a detailed description in his doctoral thesis of Qin's method, he concluded: It is obvious that this procedure is a Chinese invention....the method was not known in India.
He wrote his undergraduate dissertation on Jean-Jacques Rousseau and his doctoral thesis on the Spanish playwright Pedro Calderón de la Barca.
In 1935–36, as part of his doctoral thesis, he conducted field research in a rural area of Kumamoto on the southernmost Japanese island of Kyūshū.
Chatzimarkakis held a lectureship at the University of Duisburg from 1997 to 2001, during which time he also worked on his doctoral thesis on Informational Globalism - A cooperation model of global governance using the example of electronic commerce (Informationeller Globalismus - Kooperationsmodell globaler Ordnungspolitik am Beispiel des Elektronischen Geschäftsverkehrs ).
The subject of his doctoral thesis and habilitation was the Kummer surfaces of order 4 and their relationship with hyperelliptic functions (with
An excellent student, she decided to pursue an academic career in philosophy and soon after graduation, began working on a doctoral thesis on Giordano Bruno's De triplici minimo.
In 1967 he received the master degree in Slavic languages and in 1969 a double major PhD in Russian language and literature and higher education administration from Indiana University(doctoral thesis “A psycholinguistic study in the organization and presentation of grammatical principles”).
Gall's doctoral thesis examined the political thought of Benjamin Constant, and its influence in Vormärz Germany.
In 1997 she defended her doctoral thesis “Autofiction and tragic irony in the works of Georges Perec, Michel Leiris, Serge Doubrovsky, and Hervé Guibert” under the direction of Francis Marmande.
From 1979 to 1988, Marie Étienne worked as assistant to the innovative French theater director Antoine Vitez, whose courses on the theater she had followed as part of her doctoral thesis research, at the Théâtre d’Ivry and the Théâtre national de Chaillot.
His other books include The English Novel at Mid-Century (1990), an account of British fiction in the generation of Evelyn Waugh and Anthony Powell; it began as a doctoral thesis at Stanford University, where it won the English Department’s Alden Dissertation Prize.
His doctoral thesis on Transonic Aerodynamics earned him the "Young Scientist Award" from the Indian National Science Academy (INSA).
In 1891 this mission was the subject of a doctoral thesis in Greifswald.
His doctoral thesis, The Adaptable Peasant: Agrarian Society in Western Sri Lanka under Dutch Rule, 1740 1800 studied the impact of the Dutch East India Company(VOC) on western Sri Lanka's agrarian society.
The main developers of this family of technologies include Alan Kay, David Smith, Andreas Raab and David Reed, whose 1978 doctoral thesis on naming and synchronizations in a decentralized computer system introduced many of the main concepts.
He stayed there to do graduate work, and in 1904 received the degree of D.Ph. His doctoral thesis was entitled Über den kannibalismus bei Fasciolaria tulipa (var. distans) und deren larvale excretionsorgane.
She worked at the Wellington Inner City Mission while completing her doctoral thesis at Victoria University.
In 1998 Best published his doctoral thesis at Durham University entitled "Apocalypticism in the Fiction of William S. Burroughs, J.G. Ballard and Thomas Pynchon" and later received a doctorate in English literature.
In 1964 Renter defended Candidate of Economic Sciences degree, and in 1975 he presented his doctoral dissertation in Economics.
While there John H. Coates provided him with a problem for his doctoral thesis, which he later completed at Princeton University under the advising of Kenkichi Iwasawa.
Carroll earned his PhD in philosophy in 1974 at the University of California, San Diego, writing his doctoral thesis on the religious philosophy of Edward Stillingfleet.
Vladimir Litvinenko, who has been rector since the 1990s and has close links to Vladimir Putin, who defended his doctoral thesis at the institute in 1996.
The subject of his doctoral thesis, supervised by Donald Lynden-Bell, FRS, was "Gravity, Galaxies and the "Great Attractor" Survey".
Linguist Keith McCune demonstrated in his doctoral thesis that virtually every word in the Indonesian language has an iconic (phonosemantic) component.
Her doctoral thesis, Light Out of Darkness: the origin of photography in mystery and melancholy, explored occluded meanings in the early photographs of Nicéphore Niépce and William Henry Fox Talbot.
He defended his doctoral thesis in University of Turku in 1933 on the metrology of length by means of the Väisälä comparator.
In 1999 Recker finished his doctoral thesis at the University of Bonn.
Ulrich Horstmann finished his studies of English and Philosophy in 1974 with a doctoral thesis on Edgar Allan Poe.
He attended the Glasgow Academy and then continued his education at the University of Glasgow with Thomas Anderson and then went to study in Germany at the University of Tübingen with Wilhelm Rudolph Fittig where his doctoral thesis was entitled Investigations in the Toluic and Nitrotoluic Acids.