
unusual facts about Dominican friar

Accademia degli Infiammati

This academy should not be confused with another Accademia degli Infiammati which was established at Forlimpopoli in 1624 by Dominican friar Giovanni della Robbia.

Christianity in the 15th century

On December 1511, the Dominican friar Antonio de Montesinos openly rebuked the Spanish authorities governing Hispaniola for their mistreatment of the American natives, telling them "... you are in mortal sin ... for the cruelty and tyranny you use in dealing with these innocent people".

see also

1556 Shaanxi earthquake

The Portuguese Dominican friar Gaspar da Cruz, who visited Guangzhou later in 1556, heard about the earthquake, and later reported about it in the last chapter of his book, A Treatise of China (1569).

Andrew Fitzgerald

He was born in 1763 to James FitzGerald and Mary Fitzgerald (née Knarsborough) in High Street, Kilkenny City, he went to school in the Church of Ireland run Kilkenny College and at the age of 16 went to study in the University of Louvain becoming a Dominican friar.


the Latin name of Annio da Viterbo, a fifteenth-century Dominican friar, scholar, and historian, remembered chiefly for his fabrications.

Pietro Ranzano

Pietro Ranzano (1428–1492) was a Dominican friar, historian, humanist and scholar who is best known for his work, De primordiis et progressu felicis Urbis Panormi, a history of the city of Palermo from its beginnings up until the contemporary period in which Ranzano was writing.

Vicente Liem de la Paz

Vicente Liem de la Paz (Vietnamese: Vinh Sơn Phạm Hiếu Liêm) (1732 – November 7, 1773) was a Tonkinese (present day northern Vietnam) Dominican friar venerated as a saint and martyr by the Roman Catholic Church.