Initially there were six candidates but the independent labour and liberal candidates withdrew leaving Walter Padley for the Independent Labour Party (ILP), Edward Godfrey who sought election as an 'English Nationalist' candidate, Independent Dorothy Crisp who wrote for the Sunday Dispatch and the official Conservative candidate Henry Longhurst.
Another prominent chairman of the League was Dorothy Crisp, a journalist and writer of provocative articles in the Sunday Dispatch.
Dorothy L. Sayers | Dorothy Parker | Dorothy Gale | Dorothy | Quentin Crisp | Dorothy Loudon | Dorothy Lamour | Dorothy Dandridge | Dorothy Thompson | Dorothy Day | Dorothy Hamill | Dorothy Stratten | Dorothy McGuire | Dorothy Malone | Dorothy Kirsten | Dorothy Fields | Dorothy Chandler Pavilion | Dorothy Wordsworth | Dorothy Perkins | Dorothy Hewett | Dorothy Gish | Dorothy Dunnett | Dorothy de Rothschild | Quentin S. Crisp | Dorothy Woolfolk | Dorothy Stang | Dorothy Sarnoff | Dorothy Revier | Dorothy Norwood | Dorothy Mueller |