Draconian, a Doom Metal band from Sweden, composed music for this poem, and was included as part of their debut album Where Lovers Mourn (2003).
Hailing from Nso, a kingdom located in the North West Province of Cameroon, Ajume Wingo received much of his early education from Christian and Muslim missionaries, and from a Bedouin teacher (whose title of Mallam Gargari translates to "invincible teacher") known for his toughness and draconian style of discipline.
In recent years, California's juvenile justice system has received intense and increasing criticism from experts nationwide for running draconian youth prisons.
"Dieche" was originally the b-side of 1982 7" "Into the Abyss", but was later remixed by Simon Boswell for a 1984 12", backed by b-side "Draconian Dream".
On the sinister side of Archbishop Gänswein's chivalric coat of arms is the draconian serpent that heraldically symbolises the Devil being slain by his patron, Saint George – and, in this instance, has been viewed as a symbol of his duty to protect the Pope.
Nationally, the university has gained an unsavory reputation, along with other institutions established by Jeppiaar for repressing social interaction between students of different genders and for a series of draconian rules.
To suppress the mounting resistance by the Slovene Partisans, Mario Roatta adopted draconian measures of summary executions, hostage-taking, reprisals, internments, and the burning of houses and whole villages.
The website contains information about the student loan industry, including the 1997 Higher Education Act, which it says allowed private lending agencies to impose what it describes as "draconian" punitive measures upon borrowers.