
3 unusual facts about Earth science

Chapman's Peak

The base of the mountain, however, consists of Cape Granite and the two formations meet at a geological unconformity that is world-famous amongst earth scientists.

Daniel Sigman

Daniel Sigman is an American geoscientist, and the Dusenbury Professor of Geological and Geophysical Sciences at Princeton University.

Isotopes of iron

Much of this work has been driven by the Earth and planetary science communities, although applications to biological and industrial systems are beginning to emerge.

Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy

The Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy is the earth science unit at the University of Oklahoma in Norman.

Scott Base

Located at Pram Point on Ross Island near Mount Erebus in New Zealand's Ross Dependency territorial claim, it was set up as support to field research and the centre for research into earth sciences, but now conducts research in many fields.

see also

Branches of science

Earth science (also known as geoscience, the geosciences or the Earth sciences) is an all-embracing term for the sciences related to the planet Earth.


Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, a branch of Natural Resources Canada's Earth Science Sector

Dallas Raines

He received his Bachelor of Science degree from Florida State University where he studied broadcast journalism and earth science with emphasis on meteorology.

Federation of Galaxy Explorers

Similar in some respects to Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, FOGE sponsors monthly after-school (or evening) "Mission Team" meetings and periodic field trips, where adult volunteers teach space subjects and lead the participants in projects in space science, earth science, engineering and rocketry.

Fritz Houtermans

Geiss, J. and E. D. Goldberg and F. G. Houtermans "Earth Science and Meteoritics- dedicated to F. G. Houtermans on his sixtieth birthday F.G. Houtermans" (North Holland, 1963)

Mackay School of Earth Sciences and Engineering

The W.M. Keck Earth Science and Metal Engineering Museum is located within the building.

Richard C. Aster

Dr. Aster is a member of the Seismological Society of America, the American Geophysical Union, the Geological Society of America, and other Earth science societies and organizations.

Siegfried Engelmann

He also developed a multilevel reading program for students beyond the primary level, including adults, who performed lower than others (Corrective Reading Decoding and Corrective Reading Comprehension), programs to teach writing and spelling (Reasoning and Writing and Spelling Mastery), and a videodisk series to teach math and science to middle school students (including Chemistry and Energy and Elementary Earth Science).

Surface Water Ocean Topography Mission

It is one of 15 missions that the 2007 National Research Council’s decadal survey of Earth science recommends NASA implement in the coming decade.

University of Edinburgh School of GeoSciences

The institutes of Ecological Sciences and Earth Science are located at the King's Buildings, whilst the Institute of Geography is located on Drummond Street in the Central Area.

Yorkshire Geological Society

From the late 19th century onwards the Society developed ever-closer links with the emerging earth science departments in the university colleges and universities of Yorkshire and adjacent counties and with the Geological Survey, particularly at its former Leeds and Newcastle offices, and these close links remain today with the British Geological Survey's headquarters at Keyworth, Nottinghamshire.