According to former Earthstar guitarist Dennis Rea in the early 1970s Wuest was among the first musicians in Utica who owned a synthesizer.
The Earthstar Thunder Gull is a family of cantilever high-wing, tricycle gear ultralight aircraft, manufactured by Earthstar Aircraft of Santa Margarita, California as a kit for amateur construction or as a completed aircraft.
According to mycologists Hemmes and Desjardin, the most common earthstar in the coastal Casuarina forests of Hawaii is a species "closely allied" with G. welwitschii, which they name Geastrum aff.
Other notable artists who recorded for Sky Records include Nik Tyndall, Moebius & Plank, Conrad Schnitzler, Asmus Tietchens, Earthstar, Serge Blenner, Harald Grosskopf, Adelbert von Deyen and Dieter Schütz.