
unusual facts about Edmond de Goncourt

Combats littéraires

Even if certain articles by the author of Les affaires sont les affaires (Business is business) bestow praise on Émile Zola, toward whom Mirbeau was not otherwise so kindly disposed, and on Edmond de Goncourt, they evidence an esthetic that is overtly hostile to naturalism, considered by Mirbeau to be one of the century’s gravest errors in matters of art.

Marcellin Desboutin

He made many portraits of his friends including Edgar Degas, Auguste Renoir, Berthe Morisot, Pierre Puvis de Chavannes, Eugène Labiche, Nina de Villard, Erik Satie, Joséphin Péladan, Edmond and Jules de Goncourt.

see also

Goncourt brothers

Edmond de Goncourt bequeathed his entire estate for the foundation and maintenance of the Académie Goncourt.