
2 unusual facts about Edward Arthur Milne

Blanketing effect

The term originates in a 1928 article by astrophysicist Edward Arthur Milne, where it was used to describe the effects that the astronomical metals in a star's outer regions had on that star's spectrum.

Edward Milne

Edward Arthur Milne (1896–1950), British mathematician and astrophysicist

Thomas MacFarland Cherry

Cherry spent the next decade in Britain, first at Trinity College where he was elected a Fellow (1924), then substituting for Professor Edward Arthur Milne at Manchester (1924-1925), and Professor Sir Charles Galton Darwin at Edinburgh (1927).

Vectorial Mechanics

Vectorial Mechanics (1948) is a book on vector manipulation (i.e., vector methods) by Edward Arthur Milne, a highly decorated (e.g., James Scott Prize Lectureship) British astrophysicist and mathematician.

see also