
unusual facts about Egin


Basque Radical Rock

Moreover, thanks to the contests organized by the newspaper Egin, many bands became more widely known, e.g. La Polla Records, Hertzainak, Potato, Kortatu, RIP, Barricada and Cicatriz.

Beylik of Çubukoğulları

He founded a principality under the suzerainty of the Great Seljuk Empire that included Palu, Çemişgezek, and Eğin (modern Kemaliye).

Laura Mintegi

She is a usual collaborator in the media, both in the audiovisual media (in TV stations like ETB, Hamaika Telebista and in radio stations like Bizkaia Irratia, Egin Irratia, Bilbo Hiria Irratia, Euskalerria Irratia and Euskadi Irratia) and the written media (Anaitasuna, Argia, Susa, Ttu-ttuá, Egin, Euskaldunon Egunkaria, Gara, Berria, Jakin, Hegats and many others).

see also