Elio Vittorini | Elio Modigliani | Elio Di Rupo | :it:Elio d'Anna | Elio Sgreccia | Elio Roca | Elio Gustinetti | Elio Germano | Elio Gaspari | Elio D'Anna | Elio Cruz |
Italian rock band Elio e le Storie Tese at the end of their song "Gargaroz" in studio album "Studentessi" featured a mock advertising of a food shop in Arthur Avenue, in Italian language with some strange Americanisms.
I Vincisgrassi is an Italian comedy rock band from Macerata, formed in 1993, whose music is inspired to the style of Elio e le Storie Tese and Frank Zappa.
Pilipino Rock, a track listed in Cicciput, a 2003 studio album by the Italian rock band Elio e le Storie Tese.