
unusual facts about Embassy of the United States, Baghdad

106th Hazara Pioneers

In 1918, the whole regiment proceeded to Mesopotamia where, after serving for some months with the 18th Indian Division on the Tigris above Baghdad, they joined the 2nd Corps and were employed in helping the drive the railway through the Jabal Hamrin from Table Mountain on the Dajla (Tigris River).

1st Australian Wireless Signal Squadron

On 5 March, Maude moved on Baghdad, but was checked on the Diyala River.

2004 Baghdad refusal of orders

Returning to Tallil Air Base, the same company was ordered to take their cargo to Taji, north of Baghdad.

Abdulrazak Eid

Islam and ModernismMuhammad Abduh's Experience – The Iraqi Strategic Research Centre – Beirut and Baghdad, 2006.

Adel al-Zubeidi

He was killed on November 8, 2005, by three gunmen driving in either an Opel or a "government vehicle" outside Adil, a Sunni neighbourhood of Baghdad.

Al Hartha

Al Hartha is a city located in the north-eastern part of Basrah Governorate on the east bank of the river Euphrates, bounded on the north to Qurna and the south province of Basra, linking Hartha, the main road, with Baghdad and the city center, Basra.


Al-Kahraba football club (Electric Club or Electricity Club) is an Iraqi football club based in Rusafa District, East Districts of the Tigris River, Baghdad.


Al Naft (Oil FC) is an Iraqi football club based in Adhamiyah District, East Districts of the Tigris River, Baghdad.

Almohad reforms

He was also well educated, having studied across the Islamic world in Alexandria, Córdoba, Mecca, and Baghdad.

Ansar al-Islam

On May 4, 2010 Abu Abdullah al-Shafi'i, Ansar al-Islam's leader since Mullah Krekar left for Norway in 2003, was captured by US forces in Baghdad.

Aras Habib

Chalabi's Pentagon connection, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, decided to close off funding following emerging disclosures that some of Chalabi's INC aides supplied sensitive information about U.S. security operations in Baghdad to the Iranian government.

Avraham Biran

Biran returned to Jerusalem in 1935, serving as a Fellow in the American Schools of Oriental Research until 1937, participating in a number of archaeological digs, including Tel Halifa near Aqaba, digs near the cities of Mosul and Baghdad in Iraq, Irbid in Jordan and Ras El Haruba outside Jerusalem.

Avro Andover

At the beginning of the 1920s, the Royal Air Force required a successor for the outdated Airco DH.10 that was used on the Cairo to Baghdad "Desert Air Route".

Baghdad Central Station

The station was built by the British to designs by J M Wilson , a Scot who had been an assistant to Lutyens in New Delhi and who subsequently set up a practice of his own in Baghdad .

Bahá'í pilgrimage

The House of Bahá'u'lláh in Baghdad, also known as the "Most Great House" (Bayt-i-A'zam) and the "House of God," is where Bahá'u'lláh lived from 1853 to 1863 (except for two years when he left to the mountains of Kurdistan, northeast of Baghdad, near the city of Sulaymaniyah).

Battle of Dujaila

Secretary of State for India, Austen Chamberlain was concerned that even if Baghdad could be captured, it would only be lost again because no other troops were available to reinforce Force "D".

Battle of Palmyra

An expanded Brigade group called Habforce had during the Anglo-Iraqi war advanced across the desert from Trans-Jordan to relieve the British garrison at RAF Habbaniya on the Euphrates River and had then assisted in the taking of Baghdad.

Bayt al-hikmah

Bayt al-Hikmah, a library and translation institute established in Abbassid-era Baghdad, Iraq

Bengal Engineer Group

World War I: La Bassée 1914, Festubert 1914 '15, Givenchy 1914, Neuve Chapelle, Aubers, Loos, France and Flanders 1914–15, Megiddo, Sharon, Damascus, Palestine 1918, Aden, Kut al Amara 1915 '17, Ctesiphon, Defence of Kut al Amara, Tigris 1916, Baghdad, Khan Baghdadi, Sharqat, Mesopotamia 1915–18, Persia 1918, North West Frontier India 1915 '16–17, Baluchistan 1918;

C. J. Cregg

Kept out of the loop with regard to the 1993 assassination attempt on former President George H. W. Bush, Myers assured the press that there would be no more news coming out of the White House hours before the United States bombed Baghdad.

Charles Duchaussois

It was 1969 at the zenith of the hippie movement, from Marseille to Beirut, from Istanbul to Baghdad, taking long detours in India, by boat, on foot, in car, Charles bit by bit got closer to Kathmandu, the height of drugs and hippies.

Charlotte Eagar

Whilst working for a variety of British newspapers and magazines, including The Sunday Times Magazine, The Observer, the Sunday Telegraph, the Spectator, The Mail on Sunday and Tatler, she has written stories from such diverse places as Sarajevo, Moscow, Baghdad, Kabul and Rome.

Combat Logistics Battalion 46

During this deployment,they provided Route Clarence Patrols, food, water, ammunition and fuel to forward operating bases throughout the Al Anbar Governorate, a vast desert province west of Baghdad.


For the town in Guinea see Doura, Guinea, for the Palestinian town in Hebron, see Dura, Hebron, for the neighborhood in Baghdad, see Dora, Baghdad

Embassy of the United States, London

On February 23, 2010, the U.S. government announced that a team led by the firm of KieranTimberlake has won the competition to design the new embassy building and surrounding greenspaces.

Embassy of the United States, Oslo

The Embassy Chancery on Henrik Ibsens gate was designed by Finnish–American architect Eero Saarinen, who also designed the American Embassy in London and the Gateway Arch in Saint Louis, Missouri.

George Cholmondeley, 5th Marquess of Cholmondeley

The wealth of the Cholmondeley family was greatly enhanced by Cholmondeley's marriage to Sybil Sassoon (1894–1989), a member of the Sassoon family, a Jewish banking family with origins in Baghdad and India, and heiress to her brother Sir Philip Sassoon.

Hamdanid dynasty

His son Abdallah (904-929) was in turn appointed governor of Mosul in northern Iraq (906) and even governed Baghdad (914).

Iván Castro

In September 2006, Castro and his men had relieved other paratroopers atop a house in the town of Yusifiyah, some 20 miles southwest of Baghdad, after a night of fighting.

Jawhar Namiq

He obtained a BA honours degree in Economics & Politics from the Al-Mustansiriya University - Baghdad

Kenneth Adelman

Adelman said that weapons were likely to be near Tikrit and Baghdad, "because they're the most protected places with the best troops. I have no doubt we're going to find big stores of weapons of mass destruction".

Lepidogma wiltshirei

It was described by Amsel in 1949, and is known from Iraq (including the type location Baghdad).

Maggie O'Kane

In its first three years, her company made 30 films – mostly for television – including the Baghdad Blogger reports, featuring Baghdad resident 'Salam Pax' – whose blog Where is Raed? was printed in The Guardian and New York Times during the occupation of his city.

Michael Cooperson

Jurji Zaydan's The Caliph's Heirs — Brothers at War: the Fall of Baghdad

Michael Usher

Usher was the Nine Network's correspondent in New York when the Twin Towers were attacked in September 2001, and less than two years later was in Iraq, travelling north from Kuwait to reach Baghdad the day after the Coalition seized the city.

Nader Fergany

Furthermore he did research for the Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics in Baghdad, the Arab Planning Institute in Kuwait and St Antony's College in Oxford in the UK.

Nadhmi Auchi

Auchi and AAO have also led and sponsored high level delegations made up of Arab, British and French dignitaries, religious and political figures pressing for the release of hostages in Baghdad, including securing the release of two French journalists, Christian Chesnot and Georges Malbrunot and their Syrian driver in 2004.

North Star School District

Joseph Darby, who in April 2004 The Pentagon credited as the lone soldier who came forward to halt and expose the Abu Ghraib prisoner-of-war abuse scandal in Baghdad, Iraq, is a graduate of North Star High School.

Operation Ezra and Nehemiah

Today fewer than 100 Jews remain, all of whom live in Baghdad.

Peter Bishop

Peter was first seen setting up a business deal in Baghdad, Iraq, when he was blackmailed by Olivia Dunham to gain access to his father.

Peter DiMaggio

He was the lead engineer for the construction of the U.S. Embassies in Moscow, Berlin and Baghdad as well as Valeo’s technical center in Michigan and the Claremont Tower in New Jersey.

Raed Jarrar

While attending the University of Baghdad, he met the fellow architecture student later known as Salam Pax.

Riccoldo da Monte di Croce

In and near Tabriz he preached for several months, after which he proceeded to Baghdad via Mosul and Tikrit.

Riza Talabani

To date, seven editions of his poetry have been published: in Baghdad in 1935 and 1946, in Iran, in Sweden in 1996, in As Sulaymaniyah in 1999 and, most recently, in Arbil in 2000.

Sinan Al Shabibi

In the effort to further modernize the Central Bank of Iraq, Al-Shabibi appointed Baghdad-born architect Zaha Hadid in August 2010 to design the new headquarters for the Central Bank in Baghdad.

Sufi saints of Aurangabad

In the meantime Ruknud din, the son of Tajud din, who had been left behind at Baghdad, as being too young to travel, had heard nothing of Tajud din for twenty years, and traveled by way of Mecca for the Dakhan in search of his father.

Susan L. Burke

The lawsuit, which stemmed from the firefight in Nisoor Square in Baghdad, alleged Blackwater had violated the federal Alien Tort Statute by committing extrajudicial killing and war crimes, and that the company was liable for assault and battery, wrongful death, intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress, and negligent hiring, training and supervision.

Thieves of Baghdad

Thieves of Baghdad is a non-fictional account written by Col. Matthew Bogdanos about the quest to recover over a thousand lost artifacts from the National Museum of Iraq in Baghdad after the country's counter-invasion.


During the civil war which broke out between al-Musta'in and al-Mu'tazz in 865, a large continent of Ushrusaniyya was present in Baghdad to fight for al-Musta'in; these were placed under the command of al-Afshin's son al-Hasan.


During the nine-month deployment as part of the 24th MEU in 2002-2003, the Thunder Chickens, as they were then known, flew an unprecedented 9568 hours and participated in Operation Enduring Freedom in the Horn of Africa, and Operation Iraqi Freedom in and around Baghdad, Tikrit, and Al Kut, Iraq.

see also