The band named themselves after the fictional Ocean Bottom Nightmare Band, from the Adult Swim cartoon Sealab 2021 (which itself was a parody of the song "The River Bottom Nightmare Band" played by The Nightmare in Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas television special).
When the River Meets the Sea is a song written by composer and lyricist Paul Williams for Jim Henson's 1977 HBO special Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas.
Christmas | band | Nirvana (band) | Kiss (band) | The Band | Queen (band) | Rush (band) | rock band | Rock Band | Blondie (band) | A Christmas Carol | Santana (band) | Journey (band) | Christmas Eve | band (music) | Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band | Misfits (band) | Styx (band) | Eagles (band) | Genesis (band) | Christmas Island | Tool (band) | Chicago (band) | Rock Band 3 | E Street Band | Anthrax (American band) | The Fall (band) | Steppenwolf (band) | Rainbow (English band) | The Allman Brothers Band |