
unusual facts about Environmental Sciences

Antonio Mignucci

Academic positions include Assistant Professor of Biology and Environmental Sciences at the University of Puerto Rico (1996–1998), Professor of Oceanography and Environmental Sciences at the Universidad Metropolitana (1998–2005), and Research Professor of Marine Sciences at the Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Bayamón Campus (2009 to present).

see also

Benjamin D. Santer

in Environmental Sciences and a 1987 Ph.D. in Climatology from the Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia.

C. S. Kiang

Professor C.S. Kiang (simplified Chinese: 江家驷) has served as Chairman of the Peking University Environment Fund and the Founding Dean of the College of Environmental Sciences at Peking University between 2002 and 2006.

Greenbank Middle School

Christina Organista-Martin's grade 7 French Immersion class decided that it wants to help prevent global warming and decided that it will make a project selling reusable bags and giving profits to the Institute of Environmental Sciences at Carleton University for research and education into reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

John Herbert Hollomon, Jr.

In this role he established the Environmental Sciences Services Administration (later, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), the Commerce Technical Advisory Board, and the State Technical Services program.

Piermont, New York

Paul E. Olsen, professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Columbia University and member of the National Academy of Sciences

Swanton Pacific Ranch

The ranch encompasses rangeland, livestock and forestry operations for the College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences and comprises a significant part of the community of Swanton.

Yuichi Nakamaru

In April 2008, he entered Waseda University and majored in Human Environmental Sciences through the university's undergraduate correspondence course e-school.