Elmer Torres Espiritu (born November 23, 1985) is a Filipino professional basketball player who plays for Barako Bull Energy Cola in the Philippine Basketball Association.
Espíritu Santo River originates in the Callejas mountains south west of Villa Tunari.
He also founded the town of Medellín in Tatatetelco, near Huatusco and south of present-day Veracruz; completed the pacification of Coatzacoalcos; founded the port of Espíritu Santo along the Coatzacoalcos River; took the best village (Guaspaltepeque) for his own; and consolidated the subjugation of Centla, Chinantla and Tabasco.
The Holy Spirit Grotto (La Gruta del Espíritu Santo in Spanish), in Corinto, Morazán, El Salvador, is a registered national monument of petroglyphs.
Lorediakarkar language, an Austronesian language spoken on Espiritu Santo Island, Vanuatu
While recordings were taking place, the band took part in the recording and staging of "La Biblia" (The Bible) by Vox Dei together with Billy Bond, David Lebón, Espíritu and La Pesada del Rock.
Port Olry, Francophone town (population 1300) on Espiritu Santo island in the Sanma Province of Vanuatu
Lord Cochrane, a former Royal Navy officer now in service to the Chilean rebels under Bernardo O'Higgins, ambushes the Espiritu Santo and, with the assistance of Sharpe and Harper, capture it, taking Captain Ardiles prisoner.
At the same time as the commemoration of the Silver Jubilee year, the Grade School, High School, and the service buildings were re-dedicated to the Holy Child, Our Lady of the Assumption and Venerable Ignacia del Espiritu Santo respectively.
In September 1718 Martín de Alarcón crossed the area on his way to explore the bay of Espíritu Santo.