
4 unusual facts about Esquiline Hill

Campus Esquilinus

The name referred in particular to the area of the Esquiline Hill that lay outside the portas Esquilina during the end of the Republic and the rise of the Empire.

Campus Esquilinus was an area on the Esquiline Hill, in the ancient Rome.


Intervening in the crisis that ensued after the death of Pope Paul I in 767, Desiderius seized a priest named Philip from the Monastery of St. Vitus on the Esquiline Hill in Rome on Sunday, July 31, 768, and summarily appointed him pope.

Viminal Hill

A finger-shape cusp pointing toward central Rome between the Quirinal Hill to the northwest and the Esquiline Hill to the southeast, it is home to the Teatro dell'Opera and the Termini Railway Station.

see also

Accademia degli Arcadi

In 1692, the meetings were transferred to the gardens of Duke Orsini on the Esquiline hill; in 1696, to the Farnese gardens on the Palatine.