
unusual facts about Examen artium


Andreas Berg

He took the examen artium at Trondhjem Cathedral School in 1879 and graduated from the Royal Frederick University with the cand.jur. degree in 1883.

Christian B. Apenes

He finished his secondary education in 1921 and graduated from the Royal Frederick University with the cand.jur. degree in 1925.

Christian Kielland

In 1874 the family returned to Norway from Africa and Kielland began his studies, first at Oslo Cathedral School where he graduated in 1891.

Halvor Stenstadvold

Stenstadvold finished his secondary education in 1962, and studied at the University of Oslo and Columbia University.

Hanna Paulsberg

Paulsberg was introduced to the saxophone at the age of sixteen, when she first studied at «Toneheim Folkehøgskole», and then continued at the Music program at «Kirkeparken videregående skole» in Moss, where she got her Examen artium in 2009.

Ingjald Ørbeck Sørheim

After moving to Oslo in 1952 he finished his secondary education at Grefsen in 1956, he studied Russian language in the Norwegian military, and in 1960 at the Moscow State University.

Niels Wulfsberg

Growing up in Åmot, Hedmark, he passed his university entrance examination, the examen artium, in 1796.

Øivin Skappel Fjeldstad

He finished secondary education in 1955, commerce school in 1956, officer training in 1957 and graduated from the Norwegian School of Economics with the siv.øk. degree in 1961.

Vilhelm Evang

Evang finished his examen artium in 1927, and started studying natural sciences at the University of Oslo.

see also