
unusual facts about Fénelon

Fania Fénelon

Arthur Miller Playing for Time: a full-length stage play; adapted from the television film by Arthur Miller; based upon the book of the same title by Fania Fenelon.

Fenelon Falls

The Central Ontario Visitor (another local publication) was printed and released weekly with the Fenelon Falls Gazette between the months of May through October from 1985 to 1999.

Gabard Fénélon

In 2011, Fenelon played with Panellinios in the Quebec Elite Soccer League and joined Saint-Léonard FC of the new Première Ligue de Soccer du Québec in 2012 with notably ex-Serie A player Sandro Grande.

Jean-Sifrein Maury

He tried his fortune by writing éloges of famous persons, then a favorite practice; in 1771, his Éloge on Fénelon was pronounced by the French Academy as second only to that by La Harpe.

Johann Heinrich Gottlob Justi

In so doing, Justi took recourse to ideas of French thinkers such as Fénelon, Saint-Pierre, d'Argenson and Montesquieu.

Les Aventures de Télémaque

Les aventures de Télémaque (The adventures of Telemachus) is a didactic French novel by Fénelon, Archbishop of Cambrai and tutor to the seven-year-old Duc de Bourgogne (grandson of Louis XIV and second in line to the throne).

Old Cambrai Cathedral

Another excavation in 1954, in advance of building work, uncovered the foundations of the south transept and another in the 2000s for the construction of the Lycée Fénelon's gymnasium revealed some buildings from the adjoining archbishop's palace, a golden key and other finds.

Philippe Fénelon

Philippe Fénelon (Suèvres, Loir-et-Cher, 23 November 1952) is a French classical composer.

Women's Orchestra of Auschwitz

Playing for Time, Linda Yellen 1980, TV-movie based on Arthur Miller's stage adaptation; the source of much controversy for its choice of Vanessa Redgrave, a PLO sympathizer, to play Fania Fénelon; Fénelon opposed the not-very-Jewish-looking Redgrave on the grounds that she was miscast as well as being anti-Israeli.

see also