
unusual facts about Federal Government

2007 United States federal budget

The budget of the United States government for fiscal year 2007 was produced through a budget process involving both the legislative and executive branches of the federal government.

Alaska Legislative Council

In 1998 the Council sued the Federal Government over plans by the United States to take over Alaska's subsistence fishing program under the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, claiming the proposal would violate the Alaska Statehood Compact, which gave Alaska the right to manage its own fish and game resources.

Albert J. Beveridge

He was known as a compelling orator, delivering speeches supporting territorial expansion by the U.S. and increasing the power of the federal government.

Benjamin Bristow

He prosecuted the so-called "Whiskey Ring," which was headquartered in St. Louis, and which, beginning in 1870 or 1871, had defrauded the federal government out of a large part of its rightful revenue from the distillation of whiskey.

Calgary Herald

On 25 February 2011 the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada (CEP) asked the federal government to review (under the Investment Canada Act) the 2010 purchase of the newspaper by Postmedia Network.

Cantonal police

The federal government provides specialised services and is responsible for the protection of the Swiss border.

Cardus Education Survey Canada

Christian school graduates and religious home educated graduates show more confidence in corporations and the federal government, but less in the institutions of the federal government, the Supreme Court, the media, and the scientific community.

CB usage in the United States

The federal government has the frequencies from 27.540 up to 28.000.

Central Avenue Corridor

Steele Indian School Park opened in November 2001 on the site of the old Phoenix Indian School five years after an intricate three-way land exchange involving the Barron Collier Company and the federal government.

Desafuero of Manuel López Obrador

The political case for the desafuero was championed mainly by the federal government, the governing Partido Acción Nacional (PAN) and the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI).

Ella Mae Johnson

Johnson worked for both the Cuyahoga County Department of Welfare and Associated Charities of Cleveland, in a program that merged with the Aid to Dependent Children, an American federal government program.

Fort Sheridan, Illinois

The Commercial Club of Chicago, concerned since 1877 with the need for a military garrison, was motivated by the Haymarket Riot in 1886 to arrange for the donation of 632 acres (2.6 km²) of land to the Federal Government for this purpose.

German Council of Economic Experts

The federal government has to publish its comments and conclusions within eight weeks of the publication of the annual report.

The Council has five members which are nominated by the federal government and appointed by the president of Germany.

Great Victorian Rail Trail

On 29 April 2009, the Federal Government announced that it would contribute A$13.2 million from its community infrastructure program out of the estimated total cost of A$14.2 million needed for the completion of the trail as an economic stimulus and as part of the recovery effort in the wake of the 2009 Victorian bushfires.

Harry Anderson

Following the wake of Hurricane Katrina, Anderson stepped back into the spotlight becoming an outspoken critic of the federal government and New Orleans Mayor C. Ray Nagin.

Herbert C. Hoover Building

Also located inside the building is the Commerce Departmental Library (also called the U.S. Department of Commerce Main Library), a Federal Agency Library which is open to the public but is used mainly by Commerce and other federal government employees and academics.

Jabez Delano Hammond

In 1825, he was appointed one of the commissioners in the settlement of the claims of New York State against the Federal Government.

Jerrold Hercenberg

Jerry Hercenberg began his career in the federal government and eventually became the Senior Advisor to the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (formerly HCFA).

Judith W. Rogers

She worked in various legal jobs for the federal government and city of Washington, D.C. throughout the 1970s, including as a special assistant for legislation in the Office of the Mayor, primarily under Walter Washington, from 1974 to 1979.

Kuching Heroes Cemetery

In honour to their bravery and sacrifices made by these brave soldiers, the Federal Government in collaboration with the Sarawak Government and the Malaysian Armed Forces their remains and interred them with honour at the Heroes Grave.

Legion of Ratu Adil

Westerling sought to preserve the component states of the federal Republic of the United States of Indonesia against what he perceived as the Javanese-dominated unitary Republic of Indonesia led by Sukarno and Hatta.

Linda Hirshman

She participated in three cases in the United States Supreme Court, including, in 1985, the landmark case of Garcia v. San Antonio Metropolitan Transit Authority, which established the line between the federal government and the states.

Missinipi Broadcasting Corporation

In 1983, the federal government introduced the Northern Native Broadcast Access Program (NNBAP), funded and supported by the Department of Canadian Heritage.

National Governors Association

AustraliaCouncil of Australian Governments (COAG) (unlike the NGA and the Council of the Federation, the COAG also includes representatives of the federal government.)

Peter Aucoin

Aucoin worked in an advisory capacity to the Canadian government at federal, provincial, and municipal levels.

Prevailing wage

In the Davis–Bacon Act all federal government construction contracts, and most contracts for federally assisted construction over $2,000, must include provisions for paying workers on-site no less than the locally prevailing wages and benefits paid on similar projects.

Provincial Secretary and Registrar of Ontario

The provincial secretary was also responsible for official communications between the provincial government and the Colonial Office in London as well as with other provincial and colonial governments (and after 1867 the federal government).

Richard W. Leopold Prize

A 3-member committee, chosen by the President of the OAH, chooses the best history book on U.S. federal government agencies, U.S. foreign policies, U.S. military affairs, or biographies of government officials.

Rob Simone

Simone became the worlds first “Para-normalParalegal" collecting affidavits, eye-witness testimony and photographic evidence for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for various lawsuits brought against the Department of Defense and the Federal Government.

Sagong Tasi

The sum was to be paid by the acquirer of the land, LLM on its own behalf as well as for the Federal Government, and UEM Group.

The defendants were the Federal government, the Selangor State government, the Malaysian Highway Authority (LLM) and contractor United Engineers Malaysia Bhd (UEM Group).

Second Faymann cabinet

Minister for Foreign Affairs Sebastian Kurz is at the age of 27 the youngest person ever in Austria's history to become Federal Minister; he is also the youngest Minister for Foreign Affairs in the European Union.

U Street

The area is made up of row houses constructed rapidly by speculative builders and real estate developers in response to the city's high demand for housing following the Civil War and the growth of the federal government in the late 19th century.

William Dunn Moseley

During his administration, the federal government built Fort Jefferson, on one of the coral keys off the southern Florida coast, and Fort Clinch on Amelia Island, near modern-day Fernandina Beach, Florida.

Wolf Dog

While not an artistic or commercial success, the film is noteworthy in that it was created almost 40 years before Telefilm Canada and federal government subsidies enabled big-name movies to be filmed in Canadian locales.

see also

1990 in LGBT rights

2 - The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in High Tech Gays v. Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office uses rational basis review and rules that the federal government can deny security clearances to homosexuals.

2011 Rutgers Tuition Protests

Rich Williams, an advocate of the New Jersey Public Interest Research Group, stated that grants are the principal method in which the federal government can assist students in battling rising college tuition costs.


OMB Circular A-130, a circular produced by the U.S. Federal Government to establish policy for executive branch departments and agencies

Aboriginal title in California

In United States ex rel. Chunie v. Ringrose (1986), the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit considered the trespass and conversion claims of Chumash tribe (joined by the federal government) over the ownership of the Channel Islands of California (and the channel beds surrounding the Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa islands) in California.


American Battlefield Protection Program, a United States federal government program under the purview of the National Park Service

American Iron and Steel Institute

In 1933, at the depths of the Great Depression, United States Congress adopted the National Industrial Recovery Act, and AISI was called upon by the federal government to act for the steel industry in the establishment and administration of a Code of Fair Competition.

Battle of Mogadishu

Fall of Mogadishu (2006): The Transitional Federal Government and Ethiopian Army attacked and captured the city held by the Islamic Courts Union

Belgian federal election, 2007

It had taken part in the federal government of Guy Verhofstadt, which included MR leader Didier Reynders as finance minister.

CALFED Bay-Delta Program

The coordination program was created in 1994 by Governor Pete Wilson and federal Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt following a decade of chaotic disputes between the state of California, the federal government, environmental groups, agricultural interests, and municipal water services.

Cass Ballenger

In 2004, alongside several other Republican members of Congress, including Mark Souder and Katherine Harris, Ballenger submitted an amicus curiae brief in the Supreme Court case Gonzales v. Raich, defending the federal government's power to raid, arrest, prosecute and imprison patients who use medical marijuana even in states that have declared such use legally permitted.

Cazones de Herrera

The National Triathlon of Cazones is a major annual sporting event in the north of Veracruz, sponsored by the municipality and the federal government.

Champlain Bridge, Montreal

On September 20, 2007, a major French-language Montreal daily, Le Journal de Montréal, published a story about federal government plans to build a new 10-lane span next to Champlain Bridge, rather than face the increasing maintenance cost of the aging structure.

Chioma Chukwuka

She completed her primary education at Onward Nursery and Primary School in Lagos State, and then proceeded to Federal Government Girls College in Onitsha, Anambra State for her secondary education.

Chrysler R platform

Ricardo attempted to seek a bailout from the Federal government to the tune of $7.5 billion, but President Jimmy Carter immediately turned him down.

Cigarette taxes in the United States

This occurred as a result of the Union’s increasing debt during the American Civil War and the Federal government’s need for additional revenue.

Commonwealth Railways

Australian National Railways was established by the Whitlam Federal Government following a commitment made in the 1972 election to invite the states to hand over their railway systems to the federal government.

Cut, Cap and Balance Act

The provisions of the bill included a cut in the total amount of federal government spending, a cap on the level of future spending as a percentage of GDP, and, on the condition that Congress pass certain changes to the U.S. Constitution, an increase in the national debt ceiling to allow the federal government to continue to service its debts.

Danny Walsh

The federal government charged Walsh not with bootlegging but with tax evasion, regarding $350,000 in back taxes and penalties owed the Internal Revenue Service, although Walsh and authorities agreed on a lesser sum.

District of Columbia home rule

However, in 1829 with the new administration of President Andrew Jackson and the election of pro-Jackson majorities in each house of Congress, the federal government began intervening more in the city's local affairs.

Domestic terrorism in the United States

During reconstruction at the end of the civil war the original KKK used domestic terroristic methods against the Federal Government and freed slaves.

Drew, Oregon

At one time Drew's economy was based primarily on logging, but in a 2006 study, the federal government identified the Milo-Tiller-Drew area as a "community of concern" because of the negative impact the Northwest Forest Plan had on it.

Enrique Camarena Robles

At institutional level, he has worked in the board of the some programs and departments in the IMSS and the Secretaría de Salud (Health ministry) of the federal Government.

Federal Government Girls College Owerri

Federal Government Girls College is one of the secondary schools in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria.

Ferdinand Mülhens

During the years 1912 to 1914, he set up Hotel Petersberg near Bonn, which later become the Guest House of the Federal Government of Germany.

George Ashiru

George was educated in Nigeria and Britain and studied in diverse schools like Irwin Academy (UK), Ijebu Ode Grammar School, Nigeria, Federal Government College, Kaduna, Nigeria, University of Lagos and Middlesex University (UK).

Hydra Technologies Gavilán

Like the S4, this system is the result of a joint effort between the Mexican Federal Government, Nafinsa and academic or scientific institutions such as CONACYT, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara and ITESO.

Jan Brown

Due to her success in badgering Canadian Heritage Minister Michel Dupuy, she was promoted to critic for Human Resources Development Canada, one of the largest ministries in the federal government.

Joseph McMinn

In 1823, he moved to a farm along the Hiwassee River near Calhoun, Tennessee, and served as an agent for the federal government at the nearby Cherokee Agency until the time of his death.

Lacombe, Alberta

In 1907, the federal government set up an experimental farm to research grain and livestock production.

Le Journal de Montréal

This change was accompanied by the addition of several new columnists, including journalist and television host Richard Martineau, former Quebec government ministers Yves Séguin and Joseph Facal, former federal government Minister Sheila Copps,former hockey player Guy Lafleur and the ex-hacker Mafiaboy.

Mormon War

Utah War, a conflict in 1857–1858 between Latter Day Saints in Utah Territory and the United States federal government

Muhammad Robert Heft

Heft continues to support government agencies on efforts of de-radicalization and is also supported by former MPs of the federal government, Derek Lee and Dan McTeague.


National Treasury Employees Union, a trade union representing employees of the U.S. federal government

Ohio Hub

Following the 2010 gubernatorial elections in Ohio, the newly elected governor John Kasich (Republican) began the process of shutting down the project and returning the money to the federal government.

Okaloosa Island

The county paid the federal government $4,000 to complete the transaction, which was the result of the efforts of Congressman Bob Sikes.


In Marbury, Chief Justice Marshall established that the Supreme Court could invalidate laws which violated the Constitution (that is, judicial review), which helped establish the Supreme Court as having its own distinct sphere of influence within the Federal Government.

Ovens River

Tobacco was a major industry in the valley until 2006; that year saw the British American Tobacco and Philip Morris companies decide to no longer buy Australian tobacco, and the Federal Government began implementing a plan to transition growers out of this industry.

Pledge drive

Although the federal government of the United States, primarily through the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), and corporate underwriting provide some money for public broadcasting organizations like National Public Radio (NPR) and the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), they are largely dependent on program fees paid by their member stations.

Politics of Germany

The Bundeskanzler (federal chancellor) heads the Bundesregierung (federal government) and thus the executive branch of the federal government.

Raji Rasaki

The plotters led by the late Major Gideon Orkar had attempted to overrun the then seat of the Federal Government; Dodan Barracks, and in that process killing Babangida’s Aide de Camp, Major U.K.Bello.

Reginald Spencer Ellery

In establishing the Melbourne Institute for Psycho-Analysis in October 1940, the group encountered opposition from both the Federal government and the local branch of the British Medical Association.

Republican period

# Any of several periods in the United States where the Republican Party controlled the federal government, or within individual US states or local governments when Republicans controlled those governments.

Royal Commission of Inquiry on illegal immigrants in Sabah

On 1 June 2012, Prime Minister Najib Razak announced that the federal government has agreed to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to investigate problems related to illegal immigration in Sabah.

State Marriage Defense Act

It was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Representative Randy Weber, a Texas Republican, on January 9, 2014, who presented it as an attempt to clarify federal government's implementation of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in United States v. Windsor in June 2013.

Taxation in Germany

Taxes in Germany—as it is a federal republic—are levied by the federal government (Bund), the states (Länder) as well as the municipalities (Städte/Gemeinden).

Television broadcasting in Australia

The CEO of TVS Sydney, Laurie Patton, is the Secretary and represents ACTA on the Federal Government's Digital Switchover Taskforce Industry Advisory Group.

The Constitution is not a suicide pact

In 1803, Jefferson's ambassadors to France arranged the purchase of the Louisiana territory in conflict with Jefferson's personal belief that the Constitution did not bestow upon the federal government the right to acquire or possess foreign territory.

United States v. Cruikshank

As constitutional commentator Leonard Levy later wrote in 1987, "Cruikshank paralyzed the federal government's attempt to protect black citizens by punishing violators of their Civil Rights and, in effect, shaped the Constitution to the advantage of the Ku Klux Klan."

William Gillette, America's Sherlock Holmes

He was an award-winning sports writer and sports editor of the Delaware State News in Dover, Delaware, before embarking on a career in Federal government human resources.

William Harold Cox

His most famous case was United States v. Price (1965), the federal government's effort to prosecute those who allegedly killed three Mississippi civil rights workers.