The film was shot in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, at studios Film City, Goregaon, Mumbai, Maharashtra, Kamalistan Studios, Andheri, Mumbai, Najabhai Jewellers, Mumbai, Polachi, Kerala, Vauhini Studios, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, Vijaya Studios, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
This film was shot in Film City and released on 12 March 2010, under the banner of Eros.
This film was shot in Film City and released on 19 March 2010, under the banner of ASA Film Pvt Ltd.
New York City | film | Mexico City | drama film | Kansas City, Missouri | silent film | film director | Sundance Film Festival | Kansas City | short film | Salt Lake City | Quebec City | horror film | Oklahoma City | Film director | City of London | Documentary film | Cannes Film Festival | city | Vatican City | New York City Subway | Panama City | Kansas City Chiefs | Kansas City Royals | Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film | musical film | film adaptation | Sex and the City | Mayor of New York City | Atlantic City, New Jersey |
The sets for the show, presenting the houses and interiors resembling that era are constructed at Film City, Goregaon.
She is also the member of International Film And Television Club of Asian Academy of Film & Television, Noida Film City, India.
KoĊĦutnjak studios of the national Serbian broadcaster, RTS are located there, so as a large film studio of Avala Film film company, which gave the name to the entire neighborhood (Filmski Grad in Serbian means film city).
On 16 October 1997, Queen Elizabeth II visited MGR Film City and watched the filming of Kamal Haasan's Tamil movie Marudhanayagam.