Wales | New South Wales | Prime Minister | Prime Minister of the United Kingdom | Prince of Wales | Charles, Prince of Wales | Prime Minister of Canada | University of New South Wales | Chief Minister | Prime Minister of Australia | Newcastle, New South Wales | South Wales | Wales national football team | prime minister | Ryde, New South Wales | Governor of New South Wales | Wales national rugby union team | New South Wales Legislative Assembly | Attorney General for England and Wales | minister | Prime Minister of India | Minister | Prime Minister of Japan | Prime Minister of Israel | Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales | North Wales | Penrith, New South Wales | England and Wales | Court of Appeal of England and Wales | Prime Minister of Singapore |
Bishop is a Welsh-speaker and it was claimed that Rhodri Morgan, First Minister for Wales, had chosen him as his preferred candidate for the post of Counsel General to the National Assembly for Wales (now called Counsel General for Wales) in succession to Winston Roddick, QC, in 2004.